Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I'm following my dream, for the 2nd time.

Creating beautiful things from wood has been my passion for 18+ years.  I feel so fortunate to have been given this opportunity by so many fantastic clients.  The years have yielded so many wonderful projects.  Here are a few of my faves:


But alas, artists are never satisfied for long.  So, in my mid 30's I became passionate about sustainable farming and homesteading.  It started with joining a CSA and learning about the fragility of our current food and economic system.  As my knowledge grew, I felt that I needed to get back to the country, back to my roots. 

After 13 years in Philly, I moved back to Chamberburg, Pa. and my boyhood home.  A friend graciously offered some of her unused farmland and I got started.  I broke ground in the spring on a parcel of overgrown pasture that hadn't been farmed in 30 or so years. 

Thus, Long Lane Farm was created. https://www.facebook.com/longlanefarmatduffield
The CSA model seemed like a no brainer and I went for it.  My previous experience as a business owner gave me the confidence to throw caution to the wind and dive in.
Now, I'm looking back at a successful first season! 
 I made alot of mistakes, but had many more successes.  I found out that if you plan for abundance, that's exactly what you'll get!  The satisfaction of feeding people and yourself is very similar to the satisfaction that I've always derived from furniture making.
As the growing season wound down, the furniture making season wound up.  Now, I'm back in the woodshop, making sawdust for the compost pile-a very symbiotic relationship!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That chair is still beautiful, and I still love looking at it every day. Thanks!!!